As a result, their IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) memberships have also been terminated. They are:


Ahmad Albreim (#10726970)

Mano Mathew Mulamoottil (#10738834)

Raheemuddin Shakir Syed Khaja (#10776798)

Nouf Amanullah Amanullah Ghulam Hussain (#10618870)

Rehman Zahid Hussain (#10755789)

Mujtaba Mohammed (Mujju) (#10549803)

Fahim Tazwar (#10767110)

Rehaf Hassan Nassier (Rehaf) (#10772025)

Mohamed Naseef Nihmathulla (Naseef) (#9355206)

Aasif Afaq Qureshi (Aasif) (#10499107)

Albert Harrison Harvey (#7221431)

Sudhir Nayar (#10773281)

Birra Kalyan Ashish (#10346434)

About the Authors